Accelerate your Sustainability skilling

Empowering organisations to take meaningful action

Net Zero
Climate Change

Our expertise

Convert your ESG and Net 0 goals into role-specific, interactive lessons in minutes

UpTroop indexes your documents and converts them into interactive short lessons to master the fundamental scientific principles about climate, biodiversity, water natural resources etc.

100s of Microlearning chapters (7-minute videos, quizzes, interactions) focusing on specific job families such as legal, IT, procurement, HR, communication etc. And also contextualised for industries such as Automotive, Steel etc.

Action oriented advice and best practice benchmarks that help your people initiate action on the job.

We understand your commitment to sustainable practices. Our AI-based role-specific interactive chapters will equip your team with insights and skills to further this commitment, especially in light of the evolving regulatory landscape.

UpTroop -ESG & Net zero skilling

Elevate effectiveness of your ESG, Net Zero efforts

ESG with UpTroop- Web Application

Y.O.D.A. - the ally

Interactive Skilling
Byte-sized, gamified simulations and challenges that upskill people in under 7 mins a day.
Behavioral Nudges
Nudge your people to adopt simple & practical techniques using science-backed interactions that resonate with their context and challenges.
Performance support in the flow of work
Real time response to help make sustainablility-led decisions. UpTroop takes the enablement to your team where they are - Slack, MS-Teams, Whats App.  
50% faster Role-specific Upskilling
100% contextual knowledge on finger tips
40% Productivity gains/Effectiveness
10x faster responses in critical moments
1.5 faster skill acquisition
Actionable insights

Ideal for every team that values sustainability, anywhere.

Teams working in a remote, hybrid, or work from office mode.

UpTroop - Learning that translates into application


Who is ESG, Net Zero, Climate Change offering aimed at?

UpTroop's ESG & Net Zero Micro Skilling solution is aimed at all employees. Depending on the level of understanding amongst the workforce, and the organization's goals - the interactive lessons can be customised to create longer or shorter duration journeys.

UpTroop will be introduced by ESG, HR and Learning and Development departments within organizations that want to educate on the topics of climate, biodiversity, resource scarcity, and the difference between sustainable development and sustainable transition, and empower their workforce to become more environmentally sustainable.

How much can I personalise my content?

UpTroop's content is 100% customizable for industries, roles and strategic goals. You use our platform to create variations of content on the fly. We can also offer a completely bespoke, expert created content that is tailored to the needs of your organisation. For more information, please drop us a note at

What credentials does UpTroop have?

UpTroop converts your context, sustainability goals and regulations into interactive content using our AI model.

We also know that AI when used on its own can have gaps and so we have a dedicated content team, and a growing team of sustainability experts (climatologists, hydrologists, seismologists, agronomists and a biodiversity specialists) which regularly review the efficacy of the content.

Is your content accessible?

All of our videos are subtitled, and we have paid attention to the contrast to increase visibility. We have not yet passed a formal test of compliance in line with WACG standards.

How often does UpTroop update the content

We have disrupted the need for constant content refresh. The content can be created/recreated whever there is a new standard or regulation in the industry, or if there is a change in the organization's strategic priorities.  

On top of that we update the content all along the year based on user feedback.

What type of organizations is this offering designed for?

This offering is designed with the intent to fix the pain of bringing sustainability “at scale” in mid to large sized companies. We also partner with public administrations, universities & NGOs. Our solution can be effectively used by organizations from 200 to 50000 employees.

What is the subscription fee?

It is an annual subscription based on the number of employees within your organisation.

Got more questions, we love to help. You can contact us at our email - We will get back to you at the earliest.

Ready to take meaningful action on your sustainability journey?

Learn how UpTroop can help.

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